Spirituality and Wellness2023-04-27T09:20:50+00:00
Spirituality And Wellness

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As Calr Jung said, the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.

So here’s everything you need to know on embracing manifestation and spiritual growth while being mentally & physically healthy. 

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In the age of instant transformations, achieving a radiant glow-up in just five days might seem like a lofty goal. But fear not, because we've compiled the ultimate guide to help you shine brighter than ever before! From skincare secrets to confidence-boosting techniques, these 13 glow-up tips are your ticket to a swift

The 10 Best Fertility Supplements to Get Pregnant Fast & Easily

Dreaming of tiny toes and sweet baby giggles? I feel you! Before I became pregnant with my son, I looked all over the internet for ways to boost my chances. You've just found the perfect guide to give your baby-making journey a little nudge. This article is about top fertility supplements that could

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Manifestation Meditation: A Top Guide For Attracting Through Balance

Manifestation meditation isn't just about wishful thinking; it's a powerful tool that allows you to tap into the immense potential of your mind and bring your dreams and desires into reality. Whether you seek personal growth, career success, improved relationships, or a deeper connection with your true self, manifestation meditation can be your

Intrusive vs Impulsive Thoughts: Differences, Causes & How to Manage

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The 7 Steps to an Egg Cleanse: Meaning & Spiritual Importance

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The 12 Best Supplements To Increase Estrogen Naturally

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The Top 9 Feng Shui Crystals For Cathartic Energy In Any Space

In 2012, when I had my school finals, I was desperate for positive energy and the universe's help. That's when I first encountered the concept of Feng Shui and started using feng shui crystals (I also believe they played a huge part in attracting the top position in the college I aimed for,

The 10 Top Crystals For Travel & Secured Safety

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I Have Pornography Addiction: Is There Hope for My Health?

Internet pornography has yielded numerous benefits for its producers, such as generating high-income jobs, revenue, and opportunities to make influencer careers. However, the byproduct or the external cost of pornography use has led to many people creating a porn habit. Consuming more and more internet pornography will lead this porn habit to become

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8 Incredible Ways Spiritual Counseling Can Transform your Life

Are you stuck in life, unable to progress and move forward? Do you feel like no matter what you do, your current situation never changes? If so, spiritual counseling may be the answer for you. Spiritual counseling is a form of therapy that goes beyond traditional talk therapy. It focuses on finding inner

The 5 Top Crystals For New Beginnings to Start a Chapter Greatly

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Candles have been a mystical staple in rituals worldwide, infusing an atmosphere with light, warmth, and a gentle flickering, creating its ambiance. Made from exotic materials such as wax, tallow, or even beeswax - they come in many shapes and hues to suit any occasion. Be it funerals or weddings, holidays or ceremonies

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The power of crystals has long been known to be a great source of spiritual cleansing and well-being. At the moment, I like to take my self-care rituals to the next level with crystal candles. These specially designed candles are infused with natural crystals believed to bring about calming energy, helping you center

Best Essential Oil Brands: My 5 Top Oils for a Fragrant 2023

People have been using essential oils for centuries for their healing properties. Essential oils are made from the naturally occurring essences of plants, and they offer a variety of benefits that can improve your health and wellness. In 2023, the best essential oil brands will be those that can provide the highest quality

13 Top Manifestation Books for Making 2023 a Year of Attraction

Have you heard about concepts like the Law of attraction, manifestation, or positive thinking? Maybe, you've already embarked upon your spiritual journey and are looking to delve deeper into your manifestation practice. Or perhaps, you're already a law of attraction expert looking to brush up on your knowledge and unlock infinite possibilities. Nonetheless,

The 10 Best Crystals for Self Love to Manifest Confidence

Crystals have been used for centuries by cultures worldwide for their healing properties. The idea behind crystals is that they emit positive energy that can help balance the body's energy field. Crystals for self-love are said to help with everything from manifestation to stress relief and improving focus and concentration. While no scientific

5 Top Scripting Manifestation Examples For a Dream Life

Are you looking for some powerful scripting manifestation examples and methods? If you want to live your dream life, then keep reading! I'm going to share with you five of the best ways to script your manifestations and then another top three manifestation methods you can try. Remember, spiritual healing is essential to

The 45 Top Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Abundance

Are you looking for ways to bring positive changes into your life? I got you covered. Affirmations are one of the most effective ways to hack your subconscious mind and bring positivity. By repeating affirmations daily, you are slowly changing your belief system. And as your belief system changes, so does your

The 43 Best Spiritual Healing Quotes for Instant Self Therapy

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Self-Care Planner: My Top 5 Picks to Boost Your Wellness State

If you're a wellness addict like me, I bet you're always looking for ways to improve your mental health and master all kinds of wellness techniques. If so, it might be time to invest in a self-care planner, which is the ultimate way to prioritize daily self-care and organize self-care activities.

Finding Your Purpose Worksheet + 10 Top Tips on Blessing It

Do you feel stuck in an endless pursuit of everyday actions, often stopping to wonder, "What do I do with my life?" or "What's my purpose in life?" If yes, I have a "finding your purpose worksheet" for you, and you're one step closer to finding it, like billions of people who

What is Holistic Healing? The Benefits For Body & Mind

Taking care of your health means much more than improving the condition of your body. Living a good life requires a holistic approach to wellness, and that's exactly the wisdom behind holistic healing / medicine - as well as this blog. So what is holistic healing? Why do we need it in our

10 Meaningful Travel Adventures to Boost Your Happiness

If you want to travel with purpose, you have to fully engage in activities that enhance your positive emotions and give meaning to your whole trip. They might be sort, rare, or one-in-a-lifetime situations, but some travel adventures overseas will remain in your mind, making you smile for a very long time. Which

How to be pretty on your trips & everyday: 5 smart ways

Thinking about how to be pretty on top of everything else you have to plan for your trip is extra stressful. Whether you're driving out of town for a weekend getaway, spending some days with your partner or friends exploring, or going to the other side of the world, there's no question that

Fear of flying? 10 tips on how to get over it

You love the idea of exploring new places, but your fear of flying is an issue. Some people avoid traveling because they hate the trouble that goes with it; lost luggage, delayed flights, airport waiting times. But what about flying anxiety? It can prevent anyone from boarding a plane and going halfway across

What Is Jet Lag And How to Deal With It

Even if you've completed at least one flight in a different time zone, you most likely faced sleep problems and came across some of the jet lag symptoms. If you want to define jet lag -or answer directly to what's jet lag- it is a temporary sleep problematic condition that disrupts your internal

How to Have a Magnetic Personality in 10 Simple Ways

"Being a magnetic person" is a very generic statement. Aren't magnetic personalities something subjective? Some personality traits that are magnetic for a few people can be a turn-off for others. A guide on "how to have a magnetic personality" might seem even more non-specific. And although you can try to be a magnetic


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